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monthly investment plan中文是什么意思

用"monthly investment plan"造句"monthly investment plan"怎么读"monthly investment plan" in a sentence


  • 月份投资办法
  • 月份投资计划


  • Mip monthly investment plan
  • Investors can choose to invest in the fund through the monthly investment plan with a minimum monthly subscription amount of hkd1 , 000 ( the minimum subscription amount of usd2 , 000 is waived )
  • You can also choose to join the " monthly investment plan " to make regular subscription for units of the fund on a monthly basis , subject to a minimum amount of hkd1 , 000 per month ( or its equivalent in the relevant currency )
    客户可选择透过参加月供投资计划,以按月供款的形式认购本基金,每月最低供款额为港币1 , 000 (或其他货币的同等价值
用"monthly investment plan"造句  
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